
Editorial Excellence

Recognizing editors of journals with highly rated publishing experiences

These exceptional editors performed in the top 10% of qualifying journals* based on data collected from the Journal Author Satisfaction survey. 

Throughout the year we invite journal authors to provide feedback on their publishing experience. We reviewed the prior year's data to identify the journals that exemplified editorial excellence in 2023. The top percentile of journals was determined by taking the mean of authors ratings of two statements from a 5 point scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5). 

Those statements are:

  1. "The editorial advice and comments throughout the process helped to improve the paper" 
  2. "The editors managed the peer review process well" 

We thank the exceptional editors, past and present, who contributed to these achievements, as well as all of our valued journal editors and board members, for their continued dedication to advancing research. The work, commitment, and passion brought to ý journals each day is greatly appreciated. 

The top 10% of qualifying journals

100% of authors that responded to the Journal Author Satisfaction survey ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ with both of the statements about the editorial experience at these journals.*

Fabio Santeramo

Guy Pujolle

Zbigniew Gronostajski

Damien Hall

Pekka Koskela, Doron Lubinsky

Susanne Prediger, David Wagner

Shih Chou

Shyi-Ming Chen, Witold Pedrycz

Takehiko Koji, Jürgen Roth, Michael Schrader, Douglas J. Taatjes

David R. Agrawal, Ronald B. Davies, Nadine Riedel

Wesley Jennings

Roger J. R. Levesque

A. M. Abd El-Aty

Igor Emri, Hongbing Lu

Graham Collingridge, Bong-Kiun Kaang, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Min Zhuo

Paul Struik

Shoji Kawamura

Rogelio Pereda-Miranda

Sigmund Hough

Daniel Gordon

We also thank these editors whose journals scored in the top 25%. 

Mathematics, Physical and Applied Sciences

  • Advances in Operator Theory: M.S. Moslehian
  • Aerospace Systems: Zhongliang Jing, Dmitry Yu. Strelets, Xingqun Zhan, Zhenghong Zhu
  • Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Liqun Chen, Xiqiao Feng, Xingming Guo, Jianzhong Lin, Chongqing Ru, David Steigmann, Haili Xu, Pingwen Zhang
  • Applied Water Science: Saad A. Aljlil, Enrico Drioli
  • Biomedical Engineering Letters: Jae Sung Lee
  • BioMetals: Isabelle Michaud-Soret, Christopher Rensing
  • Collectanea Mathematica: Carlos D'Andrea, Núria Fagella, Xavier Ros Oton
  • Colloid and Polymer Science: Friedrich Kremer, Alexander Wittemann, Yu Zhu
  • Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology: Dante Canil, Othmar Müntener
  • Cybernetics and Systems Analysis: Ivan V. Sergienko
  • Earth Science Informatics: Hassan A. Babaie
  • Emergent Materials: Mohamed Mehdi Chehimi
  • Environmental Processes: Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis
  • Environmental Systems Research: Bing Chen, Guohe Huang
  • Evolutionary Intelligence: Vincenzo Loia
  • Evolving Systems: Plamen Angelov, Dimitar Filev. Nikola K. Kasabov
  • Exposure and Health: Andrew Meharg
  • GPS Solutions: Panagiotis Vergados
  • Heritage Science: Richard Brereton
  • Indian Geotechnical Journal: Deepankar Choudhury
  • International Journal of Earth Sciences: Ulrich Riller
  • International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education: Josep M. Duart, Álvaro Galvis, Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichil, Airina Volungeviciene
  • International Journal of Energy and Water Resources: Madjid Abbaspour, A.H. Hassani
  • International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering: Sanjay Kumar Shukla
  • International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval: Michael Lew
  • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM): Duc Truong Pham
  • Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing: Chin-Hong Park
  • Journal of Chemical Sciences: S. Natarajan
  • Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring: Farhad Ansari
  • Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems: Vilma Alves de Oliveira
  • Journal of Electronic Testing: Vishwani Agrawal
  • Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention: Elvin Beach
  • Journal of Mountain Science: Peng Cui, Dunlian Qiu
  • Journal of Power Electronics: Kyo-Beum Lee
  • Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications: Luigi Rodino, M. W. Wong
  • Journal of Real-Time Image Processing: Nasser Kehtarnavaz
  • Journal of Soils and Sediments: Philip N. Owens, Zhihong Xu
  • Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry: Yair Ein-Eli
  • Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science: KK Pandey
  • Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D: N. R. Bandyopadhyay
  • MRS Communications: Rigoberto C. Advincula
  • Multimedia Systems: Changsheng Xu
  • Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design: Young W. Kwon
  • Nano Research: Shoushan Fan, Yadong Li, Jin Ren
  • Nano-Micro Letters: Liying Zhang, Yafei Zhang
  • National Academy Science Letters: Smita Mahale
  • Nexus Network Journal: Michael J. Ostwald
  • Periodica Mathematica Hungarica: Zoltan Muzsnay
  • Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing: Bruce R. Locke, Anthony Murphy
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences: Jai Pal Mittal
  • Research on Chemical Intermediates: Masakazu Anpo, Jinlong Zhang
  • Semigroup Forum: Mikhail Volkov
  • Sensing and Imaging: Nathan Ida, Ming Jiang
  • Signal, Image and Video Processing: Enis Cetin
  • Silicon: David A. Schiraldi
  • Spatial Information Research: Biswajeet Pradhan, Jung-Sup Um
  • Surveys in Geophysics: Michael Rycroft
  • Water Conservation Science and Engineering: Meng Nan Chong, Phaik Eong Poh, Christopher P. Saint

Medicine and Life Sciences

  • Abdominal Radiology: Neeraj Lalwani
  • Acta Pharmacologica Sinica: Jian Ding
  • Biochemical Genetics: Nejat Dalay, Luís Filipe Dias e Silva
  • Biological Trace Element Research: Wen-Hsing Cheng, Forrest H. Nielsen, John B. Vincent
  • BIOspektrum: Claudia Ludy, Christine Schreiber, Brigitte Trageser
  • Clinical Rheumatology: Carlos Pineda
  • Current Oncology Reports: Maurie Markman
  • Diabetologia: Hindrik Mulder
  • Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control: Ahmed H El-Heneidy, Monir M El Husseini
  • Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics: Solaf Elsayed
  • Endocrine Pathology: Ozgur Mete
  • Environmental and Ecological Statistics: Daniela Cocchi, Luiz H. Duczmal
  • European Biophysics Journal: Robert Gilbert
  • European Journal of Human Genetics: Alisdair McNeill
  • Food Engineering Reviews: Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas
  • Histochemistry and Cell Biology: Takehiko Koji, Jürgen Roth, Michael Schrader, Douglas J. Taatjes
  • Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology: Doil Choi, Jin Hoe Huh
  • Human Cell: Hiroaki Kataoka
  • Immunologic Research: Sakir Ahmed, Nicola Bizzaro
  • Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry: Praveen Sharma
  • Intensive Care Medicine: Giuseppe Citerio
  • International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: Derek Stewart
  • International Journal of Plant Production: Farshid Ghaderifar
  • International Journal of Primatology: Joanna M. Setchell
  • International Urogynecology Journal: Kaven Baessler, Maria Bortolini
  • Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -): William P. Tormey
  • Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics: David F. Albertini
  • Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology: Alwin Krämer
  • Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology: Stefan Kozak, Mohamed Nour
  • Journal of Fluorescence: Chris D. Geddes
  • Journal of Food Science and Technology: N. Bhaskar
  • Journal of Molecular Evolution: David Liberles
  • Journal of Molecular Medicine: Ari Waisman
  • Journal of Neural Transmission: Étienne C. Hirsch, Peter Riederer
  • Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry: María Pilar Lostao, María J. Moreno Aliaga
  • Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection: Falko Feldmann, Noemi Messmer
  • Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition: María Luz Mora
  • Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis: Diana Gorog
  • Lung: Peter V. Dicpinigaitis
  • Medical Oncology: Kenneth J. Pienta
  • Medicinal Chemistry Research: Longqin Hu
  • Molecular Biology Reports: Jonathan Brody, Katrin Paeschke
  • Molecular Genetics and Genomics: Joan Cerdà, Martine A. Collart, Shuhua Xu, Bing Yang
  • Mycopathologia: Vishnu Chaturvedi, Ferry Hagen, Martin Hoenigl, Ruoyu Li
  • Neurochemical Research: Arne Schousboe
  • Pediatric Nephrology: Joseph Flynn, Giovanni Montini
  • Pharmacological Reports: Malgorzata Filip
  • Phytoparasitica: Jose Carlos Franco, Stanley Freeman
  • Plant Cell Reports: Günther Hahne, C. Neal Stewart, Jr.
  • Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC): Sergio J. Ochatt
  • Plant Foods for Human Nutrition: Octavio Paredes-López
  • Plasmonics: Chris D. Geddes
  • Protoplasma: Joern Bullerdiek, Peter Nick
  • Purinergic Signalling: Charles Kennedy
  • Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders: Felipe F. Casanueva
  • Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing: Long Liu, Ashok Pandey, Yan Xu
  • The Protein Journal: Lawrence J. Berliner
  • World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology: Julio Polaina, Nasib Qureshi

Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Russell Lang
  • Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: Jiro Akahori
  • Economic Change and Restructuring: George Hondroyiannis
  • Educational Psychology Review: Fred Paas
  • Genus: Elisabetta Barbi, Alessandra De Rose, Daniele Vignoli
  • Global Philosophy: Oluwaseun Damilola Sanwoolu, John Symons
  • Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science: Jaan Valsiner
  • International Review of Education: Paul Stanistreet
  • Journal of Business Ethics: Michelle Greenwood, Gazi Islam
  • Journal of Community Health: Pascal James Imperato
  • Journal of Family and Economic Issues: Joyce Serido
  • Journal of Family Violence: Lynette M. Renner
  • Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Cato T. Laurencin
  • Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics: Debasis Kundu
  • Journal of Urban Health: David Vlahov
  • Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences: Shaun Gallagher, D. Zahavi
  • Quality & Quantity: Han Woo Park
  • Service Business: Sang M Lee
  • Sexuality & Culture: Roberto Refinetti
  • Small Business Economics: David B. Audretsch, Christina Guenther
  • The Journal of Technology Transfer: James Cunningham, Albert N. Link, Simon Mosey, Donald S. Siegel, Silvio Vismara

Open Access

  • Acta Neuropathologica: Johannes Attems
  • AIDS Research and Therapy: Barbara Castelnuovo, Patricia Price
  • Biology Direct: Gerry Melino
  • Critical Care: Jean-Louis Vincent
  • Discover Applied Sciences: Dr. Chris Poole, Dr. Nastaran Ranjbar Sahraie
  • Discover Education: Kerry J. Kennedy
  • Discover Nano: Yu-Lun Chueh, Jiang Wu
  • Gut Pathogens: Niyaz Ahmed, Leonardo A Sechi
  • Human Resources for Health: Inês Fronteira
  • International Journal of Retina and Vitreous: Antonio Marcelo Barbante Casella, Gustavo Barreto de Melo
  • Journal of Hematology & Oncology: Delong Liu

*Qualifying Criteria: Only journals with an external editorial board that receive ten or more responses from published corresponding authors in 2023 were considered in the analysis. The journal also had to receive an overall satisfaction score of or over the mean average for the year. From this selection of journals the top performing journals were chosen based on their mean score for the two statements “The editorial advice and comments throughout the process helped to improve the paper" and "The editors managed the peer review process well", asked about on a 5 point scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5).

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