
What makes a Nature journal?

The Link
By: Laura Graham-Clare, Wed Sep 25 2019
Laura Graham-Clare

Author: Laura Graham-Clare

Did you know that Nature-branded journals are made up of dedicated in-house editorial teams, or that we often work with institutions to educate their patrons on publishing skills? Read on and watch our video below to find out more.

Dedicated in-house teams

We have dedicated in-house teams that offer support and guidance through the submission, peer review and publication process and that help increase the impact of your users' and researchers' work:

  • Editorially-independent professional editors, who are trained scientists, will guide through the peer-review and publication process.
  • Journal art editors will help create engaging figures and artwork.
  • Copy-editors and production staff will help maximise the clarity of your work.
  • Our press team will disseminate key research to the widest possible audience.

Skills training and support

Our editors often visit institutions to present or host workshops on communicating and sharing your research. We also work with librarians and scientific institutions to offer skills training and support in the preparation of scientific papers.

Author retention of ownership - your research is yours

Our authors retain copyright of their research and are free to share links to view-only articles anywhere, including social media and other channels.  We advocate data and code sharing by our authors, to ensure the research we publish can be used and built on for generations. We also strive to be fully compliant with self-archiving policies.

Industry involvement and innovation

We are passionate about innovating in peer review and publication, Nature Research editors interact with the scientific community to ensure we are aware of and can respond to developments and challenges. We look to address these changes by incorporating new technology into our processes, innovating in peer review or creating a new title where new disciplines are born or fields grow.

Our journals include more than research

Each issue of a Nature Research journal is professionally curated to ensure relevancy and significance to its specific field. In addition to primary research we selectively add content, such as News and Views articles, critical opinion and analysis and scholarly reviews and perspectives, that helps put research into context.

Laura Graham-Clare

Author: Laura Graham-Clare

Laura Graham-Clare is Head of Community Content, based in London. Working between our publishing, sales and marketing teams, she is focused on thought leadership trends, content creation, and developing insights and information resources for staff, librarians, researchers and information professionals.