
Benefits of open access books

Why publish an open access book?


Increased visibility and discoverability

  • Open access books and chapters are made available immediately on publication via , ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½â€™s platform for all published content. The ePub and PDF files are both freely available to download and HTML is also free to read.
  • On average, open access (OA) books on SpringerLink are downloaded ten times more and cited 2.4 times more than our non-OA books – a significant benefit of open access. 
  • To increase discoverability of our authors’ work, open access books and chapters are also listed in the (DOAB) and, where appropriate, PubMed’s .


High quality

  • All open access content published adheres to the high standards expected of all ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½ titles with the same rigorous peer-review process. 
  • Peer review is an integral part of the book submission and evaluation process at ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½. The peer review system ensures that published research is rigorous and meets the international standards set by each discipline. Read more about publishing with  and .


Authors retain copyright

  • Open access books are freely available for anyone to download, share, and re-use. ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½ one of only a couple of major publishers to offer the (CC BY) licence as its default licence for OA books. This is the most open licence and allows any form of re-use providing the original publication is credited. Other are available on request.


Compliance with funder mandates

  • Publishing open access with ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½ supports compliance with funders’ and governmental open access policies worldwide.

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